
Meet Amanda Clow


As a seven year old moves in with a new family, the thing you’d least expect to hear from her is, “So when do we go to church?” But that would be me. I came from a foster home that went to church every Sunday, so I was used to going. The first Sunday with Tom and Heidi, Heidi and I walked to church. I’m pretty sure I was wearing a pink flower-patterned sundress, cause that’s basically all I wore. As we walked up to the door of the little old church I hid behind Heidi as Father John greeted us. After a couple of weeks, I started making new friends like Sonia, Monica, and Abbie, whom I am still very close with.


When I got into fourth grade I was very excited to become an acolyte. I felt like I was a big part of the congregation when I carried up the candle. I felt important. One time, in the old church, Mrs. Burke asked Erin and me to do a sacred dance. Doug Clegg played the music for us while we danced. Then a little later Monica, Haley, Erin, and I did another sacred dance when we had just moved into the new church.


Once I was old enough I got to join the youth group which was exciting because they always did fun activities. Every year we go Christmas shopping for the prisoners’ children. Also I look forward to the Monarch games. It’s fun cause there are games we can play while we are in our seats. It’s also fun when we do the Halloween scavenger hunt. It gets really exciting when the wind starts to blow especially. when you’re lying on one of the graves. It gets a little out of hand sometimes.    


I’ve enjoyed coming to church all these last seven years because it’s like my family here, so I look forward to coming each week.