
Meet Laura Arvin

10-10-07-006I came to Holy Cross, a little more than eight years ago. When I called to find about service times, I got the answering machine. The message, offered by Fr. John, spoke of a small congregation with lots of young families with children. Right down my alley—I had a 5-year-old and an 18-mo.-old. I was shopping for a church home after having moved to New Boston recently. I was starting with Episcopal churches—I had grown up in one.

Well, my shopping trip didn’t last long—I came to Holy Cross that Sunday and never left. And, oh, how I’ve been blessed by that decision! Yes, I’ve made lots of great friends, gotten involved in many very fulfilling projects, found a place that offers my children a solid spiritual base. But most importantly, I have continued to grow in my relationship with God.

And it is the people who are Holy Cross that inspire my personal journey. I have seen the face of Christ in each of them. I see their joy in being in this place with each other. I see their caring for one another and for the larger community. I see their generosity, not just with their money but with their time and with their gifts. And I see their courage, courage to face the hardships some of them have endured.

Being witness to all this grace has strengthened my own faith. Thank you, God, for Holy Cross–for bringing me to this place and to these people who help me draw closer to you.