Happenings Now Recent Sermons Worship

Trinity Sunday 2017

Our new vicar – Rev. David Ferner – has been gracing us with some wonderful poetry.  The following are two pieces with direct reference to the Trinity were part of our celebration of Trinity Sunday this past week!

Trinity Is A Poem – Michael Coffey
(from his blog –

Trinity is a poem uttered free verse as cosmic love gift
sending sound waves through earth to hurl speech
into the ionosphere stirring radio waves to hum

Trinity is a synchronistic dream we and God have
nightly about the interface of human and divine
the matrix of connections between holy and common

Trinity is a syncopated counterpoint of melody lines
referencing each other and making music as sonorous
as whales and pulsars and seismic waves all held in tension

then someone inscribed the free utterance in indelible ink
and someone analyzed the shared dream with Freudian precision
and someone forced the messy melodies smooth in straight time

behold: just when they think they finished the job and
brush the dust of such work off their hands and rest
Trinity dances out the door and finds willing partners to twirl


Trinity Sunday by Malcolm Guite

In the Beginning, not in time or space,

But in the quick before both space and time,

In Life, in Love, in co-inherent Grace,

In three in one and one in three, in rhyme,

In music, in the whole creation story,

In His own image, His imagination,

The Triune Poet makes us for His glory,

And makes us each the other’s inspiration.

He calls us out of darkness, chaos, chance,

To improvise a music of our own,

To sing the chord that calls us to the dance,

Three notes resounding from a single tone,

To sing the End in whom we all begin;

Our God beyond, beside us and within.

People Stewardship

Ministry Minute – Monica Houghton – October 16, 2011

Monica Houghton
Monica's Confirmation June 2011

I have been a member of Holy Cross my whole life.  I was baptized here as a baby, I attended the first Atrium in the basement of the old church, and grew up enjoying all the levels of the Atrium and the Youth Group. My experience here has left me with a deeper understanding of community and has given me countless opportunities to open a new window into the rest of the world.  Not only is Holy Cross a place for my family, but it is a place for everyone to gather and support each other all as children of God.  Holy Cross continues to be the foundation for all of my beliegs, as well as somewhere I can just be myself.

Although Holy Cross is the only church I have ever known, I have a strong feeling we are very unique.  When I discuss church with my friends from Bishop Brady High School, they exhibit the typical “teenage” responses of an overwhelming dread of Sunday mornings.  Not only do they have to be dragged out of bed at an extraordinarily early hour, but they have to spend time with just their family.  The fact that I have to spend time with my family at church doesn’t phase me much though, it’s actually one of my favorite aspects of Sundays.  Holy Cross has introduced a time to build a stronger relationship with my family away from the stress of our busy schedules.  I can’t imagine my life without this place because everyone here has become a member of my larger family. 

This is a place where we can sing as loud as possible, no matter how our voices sound, a place where I can sit by myself and still feel like I’m included as a part of the family and a place where we are amused rather than bothered by the talkative children during the service.

This place is home, to all of us.

Happenings Now

Summer Worship Schedule

With the retirement of John McCausland as our Vicar, the Vestry in consultation with the Bishop’s office has made provision for Sunday celebrations of the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist beginning on June 19 and extending into September.  Two members of the clergy will each preside for half the summer Sundays based on their availability, and for emergency pastoral care as possible.

New to Holy Cross will be the Rev. Darrell Huddleston.   A current resident of Concord, he began his ministry as a Methodist pastor in Kansas in 1969 and spent the following six years as an agricultural missionary in Congo and Zimbabwe.  He has served  a variety of congregations as well as the Regional Director of Heifer Project International.  In June, 1998, he was ordained an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts and served parishes in Clinton and Holden, MA.  Since retiring in 2007 he and his wife Bunny have lived, worked or traveled extensively in 27 countries.  They have two adult children.  He assists on occasion at St. Paul’s in Concord, and recently completed an interim assignment at Grace Church in Manchester.

Darrell will alternate with the Rt. Rev. Arthur Walmsley, a member of Holy Cross with his wife Roberta since l997.  Originally from Massachusetts, he served churches in St. Louis, MO, Amherst, MA, New York City, and New Haven, CT.  For ten years during the stormy civil rights and Vietnam era he served as the public affairs officer for the Episcopal Church, and from 1979 to 1993 as Bishop of Connecticut.  The Walmsleys live in an 18th century house in Deering which they have owned for 50 years .  Like the Huddlestons, they have two children.

During the summer, the Vestry through Wardens John Heckman and Heidi Clow will make themselves available to respond to pastoral needs, calling on clergy help as seems appropriate.