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Epiphany 5 February 8, 2009

Isaiah 40:21-31                                                                  

1 Corinthians 9:16-23                                                       

Mark 1:29-39



You and I are sick. We may not realize it, though some do—the lucky ones. We medicate ourselves, trying to cure our sickness, but the medications only make us worse. We end up having to take medicines to treat the side effects of our medicines and then more medicines to treat those medicines. We go through therapies and then more therapies. And we only get sicker. There is another way of talking about this sickness, which is to say that we are possessed: possessed with demons.



That evening, at sundown, they brought to Jesus all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast our many demons.


What is our illness? What demons are we possessed with?

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Epiphany 4 February 1, 2009

Deuteronomy 18:15-20                                                    

1 Corinthians 8:1-13                                                          

Mark 1:21-28


 [H]e taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

— Mark 1:22b


A few days into our vacation these past two weeks, I began to experience withdrawal anxiety. We were having a great time, attending an interesting conference, visiting beautiful places and eating good food—too much good food. But I didn’t have my daily New York Times. What was happening in the world? And, more important, what was I to think of whatever was happening? Ever since I went to college I have read the Times daily, looking to it for the “authority” around which to shape my view of the world.

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Epiphany 2 January 18, 2009

1 Samuel 3:1-20                                                                 

1 Corinthians 6:12-20                                                       

John 1:43-51


One Sunday, after I’d left St. Matthew’s in Evanston, Anne and I went to the Quaker meeting. Quaker meetings aren’t large. Some, like the Weare-Henniker one, are very small. The Evanston meeting was about the size of Holy Cross, but in a smaller room, simple, beautiful, full of light. The meeting lasted one hour and during that hour not a single word was spoken; no music; no movement. For the first half hour the children were with us, even the youngest ones, and they too were silent and still.


There is something profoundly holy about being in a group like that.

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Baptism of Our Lord January 11, 2009

Genesis 1:1-5                                                                       

Acts 19:1-7                                                                          

Mark 1:4-11



He was born a prince, given a name that meant “he who achieves his aim.” His father the king kept him carefully sheltered in his royal palaces, shielded from all exposure to human suffering, disease, old age, death. When at last, at age 29, he left the compound and ventured out to meet his subjects, the young man was overwhelmed by what he saw of suffering, disease, poverty and death. He reacted by adopting a life of extreme asceticism. When this failed to satisfy him, he sat down under a tree, vowing to remain there in meditation until he discovered Truth. After 49 days, he achieved what he called Enlightenment.


He then embarked upon a ministry of teaching others the wisdom he had found. At its core, this teaching was that suffering results from attachment; that all material things are impermanent and the self is an illusion. There is no God, there is no infallible scripture. The individual’s path is to attain Nirvana, an escape from the cycle of rebirth and hence attachment to material things, to self, to life.


We are talking, of course, of the Buddha. And I outline his life and teaching, however summarily and inadequately, to highlight their contrast with the life and teachings of Jesus.

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Christmas 2 January 4, 2009

Jeremiah 31:7-14                                                                               

Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-19a                                                   

Matthew 2:1-12



The search committee for a new priest had prepared a glowing description of the person they were seeking. He or she would revitalize their worship with dynamic preaching; inspire their stewardship so that their budget would be balanced and they could expand their programs and fix up their building; visit all the shut-ins and newcomers; restart the youth group; rebuild the Sunday school, and be personally a shining example of faith. And when this paragon had accomplished all these goals, the committee wrote in its search brochure, “we look forward to basking in the warm glow of success.”


Well, don’t we all?

Building and Facilities Community Center Use

Our Building: Home for Church and Community

The first thing people notice about Holy Cross is that we have a wonderful new building. It was consecrated in 2005, the culmination of the dreams and work of our congregation over several years. Attached to it is the tiny, historic building in which Holy Cross worshiped for over 100 years. Today this building, built in East Weare in 1893 and moved to its present site when East Weare was condemned for the flood control project in 1960, is used for children’s formation programs.

We designed the new building for dual use by the church and the community.

About Holy Cross

Funerals at Holy Cross

The Burial of the Dead is one of the traditional “acts of mercy” required of Christians, and Holy Cross is glad to help families bid farewell to their loved ones, whether or not they have prior connections to the parish or the Episcopal Church. It is our strong preference to have funeral services at the church, not at a funeral home. The church and Parish Hall are available for visitations prior to the service itself. We are also glad to officiate at graveside committal services.