
Easter Vigil April 11, 2009

O.T. History of Salvation

Romans 6:3-11

Luke 24:1-12


Around the church tonight is this wonderful series of quilt-style banners depicting the story of God’s saving work through history. We have six of them now; Nancy Stehno just completed the one over the organ, illustrating a passage from the Book of Proverbs about Wisdom being more precious than gold. Nancy, I hesitate to tell you this, but there are six more we could do, if we draw on both the Episcopal and Revised Common Lectionaries! But, one at a time. That’s the way God works, so you can work that way too.


Actually, there could be more than 12 banners. There could be an infinite string of banners, stretching into the future, because God is working out God’s plan of salvation in every one of our lives, in the world around us, in every event in the news—even the terrible ones.

Believing and Belonging Worship

Joining in Communion at Holy Cross

Of all the anxieties that visitors and newcomers to a church experience, “Can I receive Communion?” is probably right there at the top. There’s a fear that if one joins the congregation in coming forward at Communion time and one shouldn’t . . . an alarm will go off, God will hurl down a lightening bolt, or the priest will publicly humiliate you.

Well, none of those things will happen at Holy Cross! If a visitor comes to receive the Sacrament, she or he will receive it. At the same time, we do follow a simple rule, which is the requirement for receiving Communion in the whole Episcopal Church. That is, you should be baptized.

About Holy Cross Believing and Belonging

Membership at Holy Cross

We welcome a newly baptized member of the Household of God.
We welcome a newly baptized member of the Household of God.

Membership means different things in different churches. In the Episcopal Church it’s very simple. To be a member you have to be baptized and you have to have your name recorded on the membership rolls of the church. That’s all! You’re in! If you haven’t been baptized, the vicar will be glad to discuss baptism with you. If you were baptized in a different denomination, the Episcopal Church accepts your baptism; baptism is once-and-for-all, we don’t rebaptize.

On another level, membership is not so simple.

About Holy Cross

Baptism at Holy Cross

Bishop Arthur Walmsley prepares to chrismate a newly baptized infant.
Bishop Arthur Walmsley prepares to chrismate a newly baptized infant.

Often parents of new babies or young children in the area inquire about baptism. The Episcopal Church baptizes infants and children as well, of course, as adults. Holy Baptism is a sacrament of commitment to the life of Christ. It constitutes membership in the Church, the Household of God, and entitles one to receive Holy Communion and the other sacraments. In the case of children who are too young to make the baptismal commitment on their own, this is done for them by their parents and godparents.

Sermons Uncategorized

Lent 1 March 1, 2009

Genesis 9:8-17                                                                    

Mark 1:9-15     


He sat in my study in the church back in Illinois, a very important man, rich and powerful. He wanted something from little our church: a place for his daughter’s wedding. The family had been “members” of the more fashionable parish in the next town, but they never attended church so the rector there had declined to do the daughter’s wedding. Now this proud father found himself in an unusual position, begging. “I will make it worth your while,” he said. “There will be a contribution. What does your church need?”

Sermons Uncategorized

Baptism of Our Lord January 11, 2009

Genesis 1:1-5                                                                       

Acts 19:1-7                                                                          

Mark 1:4-11



He was born a prince, given a name that meant “he who achieves his aim.” His father the king kept him carefully sheltered in his royal palaces, shielded from all exposure to human suffering, disease, old age, death. When at last, at age 29, he left the compound and ventured out to meet his subjects, the young man was overwhelmed by what he saw of suffering, disease, poverty and death. He reacted by adopting a life of extreme asceticism. When this failed to satisfy him, he sat down under a tree, vowing to remain there in meditation until he discovered Truth. After 49 days, he achieved what he called Enlightenment.


He then embarked upon a ministry of teaching others the wisdom he had found. At its core, this teaching was that suffering results from attachment; that all material things are impermanent and the self is an illusion. There is no God, there is no infallible scripture. The individual’s path is to attain Nirvana, an escape from the cycle of rebirth and hence attachment to material things, to self, to life.


We are talking, of course, of the Buddha. And I outline his life and teaching, however summarily and inadequately, to highlight their contrast with the life and teachings of Jesus.