
Pentecost 18 October 4, 2009

Genesis 2:18-24                                                                  

Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12                                                       

Mark 10:2-16


Today is the beginning of our annual fall pledge campaign, and the readings we’ve been given are actually great for the occasion. Maybe you were listening to them and thinking you were going to hear a sermon on divorce – always an edgy topic, almost as edgy as sermons on sex or money. Well, we’ll talk a little about divorce, and also sex while we’re at it, and of course money since this is the beginning of the pledge campaign. But really I want to talk about community and commitment, because community and commitment are the common themes that link all those other topics – divorce, sex and pledging — together.


Holy Cross Day September 14, 2009

Numbers 21:4b-9                                                                               

1 Corinthians 1:18-24                                                       

John 3:13-17

I want us to reflect together this morning on two things: desire and commitment. We will find, I think, that our reflections lead us to a deeper understanding both of baptism and of the cross.

This last Friday I drove up to Tilton to meet a friend for lunch. It was also an opportunity for me to pick up some socks and undershorts at the outlet mall. There, parked next to me, was one of those huge excursion buses – from New Jersey, no less – which had driven all that way with a load of people to shop. A few of the shoppers were straggling back to the bus, bags of purchases in hand, looking exhausted. Looking lonely, too. Malls are full of people, but they are not communities.