Sermons Uncategorized

Epiphany 5 February 8, 2009

Isaiah 40:21-31                                                                  

1 Corinthians 9:16-23                                                       

Mark 1:29-39



You and I are sick. We may not realize it, though some do—the lucky ones. We medicate ourselves, trying to cure our sickness, but the medications only make us worse. We end up having to take medicines to treat the side effects of our medicines and then more medicines to treat those medicines. We go through therapies and then more therapies. And we only get sicker. There is another way of talking about this sickness, which is to say that we are possessed: possessed with demons.



That evening, at sundown, they brought to Jesus all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast our many demons.


What is our illness? What demons are we possessed with?

Sermons Uncategorized

Epiphany 2 January 18, 2009

1 Samuel 3:1-20                                                                 

1 Corinthians 6:12-20                                                       

John 1:43-51


One Sunday, after I’d left St. Matthew’s in Evanston, Anne and I went to the Quaker meeting. Quaker meetings aren’t large. Some, like the Weare-Henniker one, are very small. The Evanston meeting was about the size of Holy Cross, but in a smaller room, simple, beautiful, full of light. The meeting lasted one hour and during that hour not a single word was spoken; no music; no movement. For the first half hour the children were with us, even the youngest ones, and they too were silent and still.


There is something profoundly holy about being in a group like that.